Astrosmash Personajes (2025)

1. Astrosmash - the legendary shoot´em up - BBG-Entertainment

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  • Astrosmash - the legendary shoot´em up was designed for the Intellivision console in 1981 and became one of the most popular games.

Astrosmash - the legendary shoot´em up - BBG-Entertainment

2. Astrosmash | Video Game History Wiki | Fandom

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  • The sky changes color when the player reaches certain point levels: Black (starting); Blue (1,000-4,999); Purple (5,000-19,999); Turquoise (20,000-49,999); Gray (50,000-99,999); Black (100,000+) A cut-down version of Astrosmash was released for the Atari 2600 console under Mattel's "M Network" label as Astroblast. Telegames later re-published the game under the Telegames brand. Astrosmash was originally conceived when a game called Meteor!, an Asteroids clone, didn't fill up an entire cartridge.

Astrosmash | Video Game History Wiki | Fandom

3. Astrosmash - Intellivision History

4. Automaton Astrosmash/Sample list - LapFox Trax Wiki - Fandom

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  • The following is the sample list for Automaton Astrosmash, released under Truxton on Panic Protocol. Koji Kondo - Castle Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3) Busta Rhymes - Dangerous Ristar - Ebony Force (Opening Theme) Ristar - Greedy Game Tech N9ne - Bout Ta Bubble Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Launch Base Zone Act 1 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Ice Cap Zone Act 1 Justice - Genesis Justice - Phantom Squarepusher - My Red Hot Car (Girl) Fat Joe - Murder Rap

Automaton Astrosmash/Sample list - LapFox Trax Wiki - Fandom

5. Astrosmash (Video Game) - TV Tropes

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  • Astrosmash is an Intellivision game published by Mattel Electronics, which was also ported to the Atari 2600 as Astroblast. In this game, you control a laser gun that fires at a constant barrage of falling meteors, trying to destroy as many as …

Astrosmash (Video Game) - TV Tropes

6. Astrosmash (Game) - Giant Bomb

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  • Blast a never-ending onslaught of meteors, missiles, and UFOs out of the sky as a laser battery commander.

Astrosmash (Game) - Giant Bomb

7. Astrosmash (1981) - MobyGames

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  • In Astrosmash, the player controls a laser cannon at the bottom of the screen; the goal is to earn as many points as possible by destroying the various incoming meteors, bombs, and other objects. Points are earned for destroying objects, while points...

Astrosmash (1981) - MobyGames

8. Astrosmash (Game) - Giant Bomb

  • ... Characters · Locations · Concepts · Objects · Credits. Astrosmash lists. XBLA box art (no top); High Res NTSC INTV Cover; High Res NTSC NES ...

  • Blast a never-ending onslaught of meteors, missiles, and UFOs out of the sky as a laser battery commander.

Astrosmash (Game) - Giant Bomb


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  • ASTROSMASH® was originally designed for the Intellivision® console in 1981. This reincarnation is much more exciting, more visually appealing, and somewhat more challenging without straying from the game’s original theme and gameplay. The new graphics are phenomenal and the amazing background music adds incredible excitement to this video game classic

Astrosmash Personajes (2025)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.